Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
You may be snagged by the roadside sign: 'Have you seen a giraffe today?' Here a local
hunter displays his collection of prey from all around the world. It's very professionally
done, with dozens of well-lit taxidermied animals accompanied by info on where they
were bagged and how. We're talking zebras, boars, two full-sized lions, among many oth-
ers (yes, a giraffe). A chat with the friendly owner brings fascinating stories, but anti-hunt-
ing folks won't like it here.
Draugasetrið EXHIBITION
(Ghost Centre; ;Hafnargata 9;adult/child Ikr2000/1000, incl Icelandic Wonders
Ikr3500/1500; 1-6pm Jun-Aug)
Draugasetrið, on the top floor of a huge maroon-and-black warehouse in the centre, is a
veritable haunted house run by a gaggle of blood-thirsty teens. A 50-minute iPod-guide (in
many languages) recites 24 spooky stories in a series of dry-ice-filled stations. Not recom-
mended for small fry. There's a waterview cafe, too. On the other side of the building, the
accompanying Icelandic Wonders ( 483 1202;adult/child Ikr1500/990; 11am-6pm Jun-
Aug) involves trolls, elves and Northern Lights (so is a better bet for young children).
( 566 8130; ; Hafnargata 9;adult/child Ikr700/free; 10am-6pm Mon-Fri, by appoint-
ment Sat & Sun)
Iceland's only organ builder, Björgvin Tómasson allows visitors to his workshop, with ex-
hibits and occasional concerts. Find it on the seashore-side of Draugasetrið's warehouse.
Rjómabúið á Baugsstöðum HISTORIC BUILDING
(Baugsstaðir Creamery; 483 1082; ; admission Ikr500; 1-6pm Sat & Sun Jul &
Aug, or by appointment)
About 6km east of Stokkseyri, this old 1905 creamery dairy still has its original ma-
chinery. Interestingly, most of its products were sold to England - so some readers' grand-
parents may have eaten Stokkseyri butter!
Sundlaug Stokkseyrar SWIMMING POOL, HOT-POT
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