Hardware Reference
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if/if…else statements Conditional constructs commonly used in computer pro-
gramming. When you use an if statement, you are asking whether a condition
is met, and then making something happen if the condition set is true. For
example: If it is raining, then put up an umbrella. You can add another action
for when the condition is false using the else command. For example: If it is
raining, then put up an umbrella; else, wear sunglasses.
input The raw data or information entered into a computer system like a
Raspberry Pi before it is processed. Input devices include keyboards, push but-
tons and microphones. The Raspberry Pi has pins that can be connected to
these and other devices.
interpreter An application that checks and runs a computer program line by line.
iteration Repeating a sequence.
jumper cables Used to connect the GPIO pins on the Raspberry Pi to a breadboard
or other components. They are reusable and do not require soldering. They
come in different formats: female-to-male; female-to-female; and
LCD (liquid crystal display) An electronic display, usually quite thin and flat, that
is typically used in digital calculators and digital watches to display informa-
tion such as the time.
library A collection of reusable software functions that allow you do so something
LED (Light Emitting Diode) A diode that lights up when electricity passes
through it. LEDs allow current to pass in only one direction. They come in a
variety of colours, and have one short leg and one long leg, which helps you to
determine which way round they need to be placed in a circuit for current to
flow through them.
loop A sequence of code that repeats.
MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) keyboard A musical instrument
that can communicate with a computer. Piano sheet music notes and MIDI
keyboard notes are the same, only sheet music notes are represented by letters
G, C, A, and so on, whereas MIDI keyboard notes are represented by numbers.
module A collection of reusable Python code that performs a specific function. It
may be used alone or combined with other modules. For example, you can use
functions from the Python time module to add pauses in your programs.
nano A text editor that enables you to write code from the command line.
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