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also outside the CVC, structural localization is adviced. Aquaporin can also
be assumed a general constituent of CVC membranes, although this postu-
late has been sufficiently verified only in Amoeba proteus ( Nishihara et al.,
2008 )
and the human-pathogenic
flagellate T.
( Montalvetti
et al., 2004 ).
3.2. Ca release from the CVC by Ca -channels
Several types of Ca 2 þ -release channels (CRCs) are known from metazoan
cells, but only quite recently the most important types have been identified
in protozoa. Some of them are unambiguously, though unexpectedly, com-
ponents of the CVC.
3.2.1 CRCs type inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate and Ryanodine receptors
Sequestration of Ca 2 þ into the CVCmakes the organelle also a pool of Ca 2 þ
for backflow into the cytosol. In Paramecium , we registered spontaneous,
transient, local Ca 2 þ signals (puffs) ( Ladenburger et al., 2006 ). Concomi-
tantly, CRCs typical of P. tetraurelia ( Pt CRC) have been found in the
CVC. One, designated Pt CRC-II-1, has been identified as a genuine ino-
sitol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP 3 ) receptor (InsP 3 R) ( Ladenburger et al.,
2006 ). These InsP 3 Rs are distributed over the entire CVC except the dec-
orated spongiome. Reflux of Ca 2 þ from the CVC via this constitutively
active InsP 3 Rs into the cytosol can serve for fine-tuning of cytosolic
Ca 2 þ concentration. The CV also contains some additional CRCs
( Ladenburger and Plattner, 2011 ). Pt CRC-V-4 contains a rather short
domain homologous to an InsP 3 -binding domain (though this has not been
tested experimentally) and is also rather broadly distributed over other
organelles. Two other, closely related CRCs, Pt CRC-VI-2 and Pt CRC-
VI-3 are devoid of an InsP 3 -binding domain and show up near the CV pore
( Ladenburger and Plattner, 2011 ). The occurrence of different Pt CRC para-
logs in the CVC suggests functions in addition to [Ca 2 þ ] i fine-tuning, such
as restructuring of the spongiome (see below).
3.2.2 Other types of Ca -release channels
The Paramecium genomic database contains still other candidates for CRCs
( Plattner et al., 2012 ). This includes two-pore channels (TPC) and transient
receptor potential channels. The activation of Ca 2 þ by microinjection of the
two recently described channel activators ( Lee, 2004 ), NAADP þ (nicotinic
acid adeninedinucleotide phosphate; Galione et al., 2010 ) and cADPR
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