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The near-Golgi Rab11 is indicative of involvement of an endosomal
recycling compartment in mammalian cells ( Galvez et al., 2012;
Takahashi et al., 2012 ). Its occurrence in the CVC of some species may sup-
port an emerging concept inferring the contribution of recycling processes
although no further details are known. In T. cruzi , GTPases attributed to the
CVC encompass not only Rab11 but also Rab32 ( Ulrich et al., 2011 ). In
T. thermophila , RabD2, RabD10, and RabD14 are restricted to the CVC
( Bright et al., 2010 ). These Tt Rab proteins are lineage specific and thus dif-
ferent from Rab14 described for the CVC of Dictyostelium and from several
related, but not yet localized Rabs in Paramecium ( Pt 31649, Pt 47027,
Pt 53159, and Pt RabC49) ( Bright et al., 2010 ). In Dictyostelium , some Rab
effector and regulator proteins are also known from the CVC, that is, the
Rab11 effector Drainin ( Becker et al., 1999 ) and the Rab8a-GAP Disgorgin
( Du et al., 2008 ; see Section 4.2 ).
The occurrence of these Rab proteins in the CVC of different species
underscores the importance of membrane trafficking in the CVC. Previ-
ously, this has been concluded from the occurrence of NSF ( Kissmehl
et al., 2002 ) and of SNAREs in the Paramecium CVC ( Plattner, 2010a,b ).
Organelle specificity of both, Rabs and SNAREs supports evolution sepa-
rately from other vesicular pathways, making the CVC an organelle newly
“invented” during evolution.
2.3.3 Possible involvement of Golgi apparatus in CVC biogenesis
In Dictyostelium , RabD is now considered related to Rab14 (rather than to
Rab4 as in earlier claims; Bush et al., 1996; Knetsch et al., 2001; Rivero
et al., 2002 ) which in mammalian cells serves for Golgi
endosome trans-
port ( Junutula et al., 2004 ). This would go along with the importance of the
clathrin-adaptor protein, AP-1, a vesicle budding-mediator operating in
mammalian cells in the Golgi, for the biogenesis of the CVC in Dictyostelium
( Essid et al., 2012; Lefkir et al., 2003 ). In Tetrahymena , the CVC harbors
RabD subtypes D2 (around CV), D10 (on tubular extensions), and D14
(CVC-associated large vesicles), whereas Rab4 is associated with the
phagosomal system ( Bright et al., 2010 ), thus supporting the lack of identity
of Rab4 with RabD-type GTPases.
The V0 part of the H þ -ATPase requires a glycoprotein, Voa1p in yeast,
which drives its assembly ( Ryan et al., 2008 ), before this complex dissociates
for further transport to the Golgi apparatus. For the CVC, the pathway(s) of
delivery is unknown. In the EM, with Paramecium , one can see a close asso-
ciation of the decorated spongiome with cisternae of the rough ER; besides
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