Biology Reference
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Padykula and colleagues ( Gauthier and Padykula, 1966; Padykula and
Herman, 1955; Stein and Padykula, 1962 ), this takes advantage of the fact
that mATPase from different skeletal muscle fiber types have different pH
stability sensitivity. For example, preincubation at pH 10.0 inactivates Type
I mATPase, whereas Type II mATPase activity is unaffected; furthermore,
Type II fibers can be further subtyped by comparing activities following pre-
incubation with pH 4.3 versus pH 4.6. In the 1970s, this method was widely
adopted, and used, for example, to distinguish three different fiber subtypes
in tibialis anterior and soleus muscles of rats ( Samaha et al., 1970 ), fiber sub-
types at different stages of development and maturation ( Brooke et al.,
1971 ), fiber subtypes expressed in intrafusal muscle fibers in cats and mon-
keys ( Ovalle and Smith, 1972 ), and to investigate changes in fiber-type com-
position associated with denervation ( Riley and Allin, 1973; Tomanek and
Lund, 1973 ). More recently, Cornachione et al. (2011) used this technique
to characterize fiber-type composition in adult and weanling rat soleus,
plantaris, EDL, and gastrocnemius muscles, whereas Glaser et al. (2010) used
it to evaluate proportions of hybrid fibers in mice after 6 weeks of
running exercise.
3.2. Fiber-typing via use of myosin subtype-specific antibodies
An underlying theme, which was confirmedwithmolecular biology methods,
is that each fiber type expresses a predominant isoform of myosin heavy chain.
Currently, four major fiber types are generally recognized in mature skeletal
muscle ( Table 7.1 ), which includes slow-type fibers (Type I) and three separate
classifications of fast-type fibers (Types IIA, IIB, and IIX). Some muscle fibers
can express two to three different myosin heavy-chain isoforms (so-called
Table 7.1 The most common fiber types in rodent and human skeletal muscle
Myosin heavy-
chain protein
Fiber type
I slow
Prominent in soleus muscle, also found in
Type IIA
MYH2 Has more oxidative capacity versus Type
Type IIB
MYH4 Not demonstrated in humans at the
protein level
Type IIX
MYH1 Type IIX and Type IIB are more
glycolytic than Type IIA
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