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conditions in order to check how if the system under test will can handle such input
Handling the invalid (or manipulated or faulty) input gracefully may include rais-
ing an exception with proper error message that describes to the user what happened,
while if the system have vulnerabilities to such invalid inputs, then it might reveal so
important information that can be used by malicious used to harm the system.
Systems that have an interface which is accessible by public must specially be ro-
bust and consequently must have prolific input-validation checks.
The fault-based testing techniques that are important to the research in this thesis
are: Interface Propagation Analysis (IPA) which is one of the fault injection tech-
niques, Boundary-value based stability testing , equivalence partitioning with invalid
partition class, and syntax testing [4]. All these techniques belong to black-box testing
because it is assumed in this paper that the testing is done by the Web Service Re-
questers who does not have the source code of the Web Service under test. we will
describe how test data is derived using these fault based testing techniques
3 Related Work
Most the researches in Web Services testing focus on specification or validation test-
ing in order to make sure that a Web Service meets a Service Requester's require-
ments [6]; however, there are few researches addressed fault-based testing of Web
Since the stability and other related quality attributes, such as security and fault
tolerance, are important to this paper, we will give a summary of the researches that
assess stability and other related quality attributes using fault-based testing tech-
niques. After surveying the field of Web Services testing, whether fault or validation
testing, the following notices have been concluded:
● Some researches do not specify what quality attribute of Web Services they are
● Different researchers may be assessing the same quality attribute but they describe
or call this quality attribute differently.
● Some researches mention that they want increase trustworthiness of Web Services
but without specify which specific requirement of trustworthiness they are targeting.
● Some researches specify that they do negative testing but they do not specify how
the negative or faulty test data was generated, in other words which testing tech-
niques have been applied.
Test data generation method in different fault-based testing techniques.
4 Web Services Stability Testing Approach
This section will describe an approach for assessing the stability, input manipulation
vulnerability, and fault tolerance to wrong input quality attributes of Web Services.
we describes the overall architecture of the Web Services stability testing approach
proposed in this paper.
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