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Research on Teaching of “Object-Oriented
Programming” Course for Bachelor Students
Zhaoxue Chen and Bei Dai
School of medical instrument & food engineering,
University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, 200093
Abstract. This paper is dedicated to teaching issues of the Object-Oriented
Programming course for bachelor students. It emphasizes specially on problems
such as choosing C++ as programming language at the first stage of teaching,
percentage-optimized hybrid bi-lingual teaching, careful choice of textbook and
teaching materials, etc. It insists that the teachers ought to be careful and con-
siderate in designing various phases of the delivery of the course and provide
the right teaching or referencing materials according to the knowledge founda-
tion of different students. Moreover, necessary regular teaching methods would
turn out effective during the process of teaching, which has been proved by the
author's five-year teaching practice.
Keywords: C++, Object-Oriented programming, hybrid bilingual teaching.
1 Introduction
At present, the object-oriented idea is popular almost in every computer application
field, and many universities have opened relevant courses. When it comes to the object-
oriented thought, people seldom introduce abstract concepts directly. They usually inte-
grate specific object-oriented programming language with the object-oriented idea in
their introductory teaching, and further strengthen these ideas in various related courses
or computer knowledge teaching. It is an important task in modern computer related
teaching how to take appropriate measures to implement successful object-oriented in-
troductory teaching. This will directly influence the students in their deep understanding
of the modern computer system development and implementation principle dominated
by advanced OOP idea. So it is necessary to perform in-depth study, discuss and prac-
tice on teaching issues of the
Combining the Chinese current students' characteristics, to satisfy most students'
teaching needs, this paper argues that it carries out in the form of C++ language
mainly and chooses appropriate classical textbook at home and abroad in introductory
teaching of object-oriented programming courses. In teaching methods, bilingual
teaching proportion should be increased, practicing should be emphasized and appro-
priate, ancillary practice material according to different knowledge foundation of each
student should be provided. Then a better teaching effect will be achieved with the
help of necessary teaching skills.
Object-Oriented Programming
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