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nation has high level of DECG, such as the U.S.A., China, India, Russia and Korea,
whose DECG is higher than 10%. In the U.S.A., DECG is the highest at 19%. China,
India and Russia rank after the U.S.A. with the level of 16-17%.The common reason
for the low DECG of European nations lies in that the governments spend lots of pub-
lic revenue on social security.
Data: Chinese Statistic Yearbook1980-2010. Data: Database of World Bank and SIPRI
Fig. 3. China's DEP and DECG Fig. 4. Other Nations' DECG
3.3 Index with Regard to Governmental Preference
Tendency of China
From 1978 to 2009, China's DEEGR continued falling, which means that its defense
expenditures increased less than public expenditures in education, health care and re-
search & development. Thus, we can confer that Chinese government pursues devel-
opment of economy and society firstly, not of the military power.
International Comparison
Due to the availability of data, we only calculate the ratio of defense expenditures to
public education and health care expenditures. That ratio in China and the U.S.A. are
beyond 1, the other nations are less than 1 to a large extent, especially in Germany this
ratio is just 10%, which means the Germany government pays more attention to public
education and health care than other governments.
Data: Chinese Statistic Yearbook1980-2010. Data: Database of World Bank and SIPRI
Fig. 5. China's DEEHR Fig. 6. Other Nations' Governmental Preference
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