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Fig. 4. Fractal graphics created by
using Newton iteration
In the formula, parameter A=5, R is a plural, its real part is 5 and imaginary part is
5. Parameters A, real part and imaginary part of R can be set Double type. In Visual
Basic system, the precision of Double type is 15 bit. Therefore, the search precision of
the formula is 10 15 ×10 15 ×10 15 . In color spare, if we do not know the color scheme,
the search precision is 10 15 ×10 15 ×10 15 ×2 8 ×2 8 ×2 8 ×M×N. The parameter A mainly
controls the numbers of petal, and its anti-counterfeiting function is not very well
(Fig.5 shows an example). But, if the anti-counterfeiting function of A is excepted,
the search space is 10 15 ×10 15 ×2 8 ×2 8 ×2 8 ×M×N, it is very big still. The real part and
imaginary part of Parameter R have perfect anti-counterfeiting function, they
change little, very big changes will generate on the fractal graphics (Fig.6 shows an
example). The differences can be detected by eyes and other image processing
(a) A=5 (b) A=3
Fig. 5. Different fractal graphics created by different A and the same R
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