Information Technology Reference
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GZ# zonecfg -z myzone
zonecfg:myzone> select net physical=e1000g0
zonecfg:myzone:net> set defrouter=
zonecfg:myzone:net> end
zonecfg:myzone> exit Exclusive-IP Containers
Because exclusive-IP Containers manage their own networking configuration,
fewer parameters are needed to configure them.
GZ# zonecfg -z exipzone
zonecfg:myzone> set ip-type=exclusive
zonecfg:myzone> add net
zonecfg:myzone:net> set physical=e1000g0
zonecfg:myzone:net> end
zonecfg:myzone> exit
Yo u c a n m a n a g e n e t w o r k i n g i n a n e x c l u s i v e - I P C o n t a i n e r w i t h t h e s a m e m e t h -
ods and commands as a non-virtualized system. To perform those steps, you must
first log in to the Container and become the root user.
Yo u c a n m o n i t o r n e t w o r k u s a g e o f i n d i v i d u a l N I C s w i t h t h e kstat command.
The name of the kstat may be different for different types of NICs.
GZ# kstat -p 'e1000g:0:mac:*bytes'
e1000g:0:mac:obytes 2509466
e1000g:0:mac:rbytes 4702845
GZ# kstat -p 'e1000g:0:mac:*packets'
e1000g:0:mac:opackets 13306
e1000g:0:mac:rpackets 14426
Those commands can be used for shared-IP as well as exclusive-IP Containers.
To increase the availability of Containers' network access, you can use the IP
Multipathing feature. IP Multipathing (IPMP) allows you to configure multiple
NICs into a group. IPMP detects the failure of a network cable or NIC in the
group and circumvents this failure by continuing to use the other NIC(s) for net-
work transport.
For shared-IP Containers, you manage IPMP groups from the global zone. The
Containers benefit from IPMP without even knowing it is there. Exclusive-IP
Containers with multiple NICs can maintain their own IPMP groups using the
same commands.
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