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GZ# kstat 'caps:1:swapresv_zone_1'
module: caps instance: 1
name: swapresv_zone-1 class: zone_caps
crtime 112164.799153163
snaptime 112174.884801884
usage 23638016
value 2147483648
zonename myzone
The value field is the cap you set. The usage field is the amount in use.
Physical Memory Tools Other Containers, including the global zone, will not be
directly affected if one Container has reached its virtual memory cap. Nevertheless,
they might be affected if most or all of the RAM is consumed as a side effect.
Whether there is a shortage of virtual memory or not, the over-consumption of
RAM will cause excessive paging, which might affect all Containers on the system.
To protect against over-consumption of RAM by one Container, you can estab-
lish a memory cap for physical memory. To add a memory cap to the Container
configured earlier, enter the following command:
GZ# zonecfg -z web
zonecfg:web> select capped-memory
zonecfg:web:capped-memory> set physical=2g
zonecfg:web:capped-memory> end
zonecfg:web> exit
GZ# zoneadm -z web reboot
Note that the zonecfg subcommand add capped-memory may be used only to
add the first memory cap. Subsequent modifications to memory capping, includ-
ing adding a different type of memory cap, must use the subcommand select
capped-memory . To verify that a physical memory cap is in place, enter the fol-
lowing command:
GZ# rcapstat -z 5
id zone nproc vm rss cap at avgat pg avgpg
6 web 24 123M 96M 2G 140M 0K 98M 0K
6 web - 123M 96M 2G 0K 0K 0K 0K
Also, this physical memory cap can be modified while the Container is running:
GZ# rcapadm -z web -m 3g
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