Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
A Container can be reconfigured after it has been configured, and even after it
has been booted. However, a change in configuration does not take effect until the
next time the Container boots. The next example changes the Container so that
the next time the system boots, the Container boots automatically.
GZ# zonecfg -z myzone
zonecfg:myzone> set autoboot=true
zonecfg:myzone> exit
As mentioned earlier, package directories contain Solaris 10 package contents.
The package and patch tools need to know where packages are stored. The prop-
erty inherit-pkg-dir tells the operating system where packages are stored.
Software that is not part of the OS can be inherited as well, using the in-
herit-pkg-dir resource. You can modify the configuration of a Container that
has already been configured. The following commands add the directory /opt as a
directory that contains software packages to be made available to this Container:
GZ# zonecfg -z myzone
zonecfg:myzone> add inherit-pkg-dir
zonecfg:myzone:inherit-pkg-dir> set dir=/opt
zonecfg:myzone:inherit-pkg-dir> end
zonecfg:myzone> exit
After the Container has been installed, the set of inherit-pkg-dir resources
cannot be modified.
As you might have guessed, a whole-root Container is simply one that doesn't
inherit /sbin , /usr , /lib , and /platform . The process of configuring a whole-
root Container begins with these commands to create a different Container:
GZ# zonecfg -z mywholerootzone
zonecfg:mywholerootzone> create
zonecfg:mywholerootzone> remove inherit-pkg-dir dir=/lib
zonecfg:mywholerootzone> remove inherit-pkg-dir dir=/platform
zonecfg:mywholerootzone> remove inherit-pkg-dir dir=/sbin
zonecfg:mywholerootzone> remove inherit-pkg-dir dir=/usr
zonecfg:mywholerootzone> set zonepath=/zones/roots/mywholerootzone
zonecfg:mywholerootzone> exit Adding File Systems
In addition to the ability to mount file systems that contain packages, any arbi-
trary directory that exists in the global zone can be mounted into a Container,
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