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Figure 4-5. The main classes in the JSF event object hierarchy
In order to define JSF event objects, all of the JSF event objects extend EventObject class. There are three
important things to notice:
FacesEvent is the base class for events that can be triggered by UIComponent s. It has two
subclasses: ActionEvent class, which represents events that are triggered by ActionSource2
components, and ValueChangeEvent class, which represents events that are triggered by
ValueHolder or EditableValueHolder components.
SystemEvent is the base class for all the System events. ComponentSystemEvent class
(extends SystemEvent) represents System events which are specific for UIComponent s.
PhaseEvent is a class that represents Phase events which occur in the beginning and ending of
each standard phase of the JSF request processing lifecycle.
It is important to know that all of the JSF event listener interfaces and event classes are located in
( javax.faces.event ) package. during the chapter and for simplicity, we will mention only the event listener interface
name or the event class name without mentioning the fully qualified interface (or class) name.
Faces Events
Faces events are those events which can be triggered by UIComponent s. Faces events include two types of events:
Action Events.
Action events are fired by ActionSource2 components such as ( CommandButton or CommandLink components).
An action event is fired when, for example, UICommand component is clicked. Value change events are fired by
ValueHolder components such as ( outputText component) or EditableValueHolder components such as
( inputText or selectOneMenu components). A value change event is fired when the component's value is changed.
Before going to the examples of both types of events, it is important to know when each of these events fire in the
phases of the JSF life cycle. Figure 4-6 shows the execution time of both action and value change events.
Value Change Events.
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