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Deploying the Application on Tomcat 7
In order to deploy the firstApplication-1.0.war file on the Apache Tomcat 7, you need to do the following:
firstApplication-1.0.war file to the
${Tomcat_Installation_Directory}\webapps directory.
Copy the
Start the Tomcat 7 server by executing the following command from the
${Tomcat_Installation_Directory}\bin directory:
startup.bat (For Windows) (For Linux)
firstApplication from the following URL:
Access the
Deploying the Application on GlassFish 3.1.2
In order to deploy the firstApplication-1.0.war file on the Oracle GlassFish 3.1.2, you need to do the following:
firstApplication-1.0.war file to the ${GlassFish_Installation_Directory}\
domains\ domain1 \autodeploy directory (The domain1 can be changed to any domain name).
Copy the
Start the GlassFish 3.1.2 server by executing the following command from the
${GlassFish_Installation_Directory}\bin directory: asadmin start-domain domain1
firstApplication from the following URL: http://localhost:8080/firstApplication/
Although the firstApplication is a simple JSF application, it covered many basics of the JSF. You now know the
Access the
How to create a JSF application from scratch.
The basics of the JSF expressions.
What JSF managed is and how to create and use from the JSF application.
How to create a JSF page template and use the template from the application pages.
How to configure and use a resource bundle from the JSF application.
How to use the basic JSF HTML component tags.
How to use the JSF required field validator in order to validate input fields.
How to use Maven in order to manage deploying the JSF application easily on the different
JSF 2.1 web containers.
JSF Life Cycle
Now, it is the time to know how the JSF works behind the scenes. Although developing JSF applications does not
require understanding the details of the JSF life cycle, it is recommended to read this section in order to realize how
the code you develop is executed in the JSF runtime container and in order to prepare yourself for advanced JSF
development. The JSF request processing life cycle has six phases, as shown by Figure 1-7 .
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