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Example 3-35. aggregate() in Python
sumCount = nums . aggregate (( 0 , 0 ),
( lambda acc , value : ( acc [ 0 ] + value , acc [ 1 ] + 1 ),
( lambda acc1 , acc2 : ( acc1 [ 0 ] + acc2 [ 0 ], acc1 [ 1 ] + acc2 [ 1 ]))))
return sumCount [ 0 ] / float ( sumCount [ 1 ])
Example 3-36. aggregate() in Scala
val result = input . aggregate (( 0 , 0 ))(
( acc , value ) => ( acc . _1 + value , acc . _2 + 1 ),
( acc1 , acc2 ) => ( acc1 . _1 + acc2 . _1 , acc1 . _2 + acc2 . _2 ))
val avg = result . _1 / result . _2 . toDouble
Example 3-37. aggregate() in Java
class AvgCount implements Serializable {
public AvgCount ( int total , int num ) {
this . total = total ;
this . num = num ;
public int total ;
public int num ;
public double avg () {
return total / ( double ) num ;
Function2 < AvgCount , Integer , AvgCount > addAndCount =
new Function2 < AvgCount , Integer , AvgCount >() {
public AvgCount call ( AvgCount a , Integer x ) {
a . total += x ;
a . num += 1 ;
return a ;
Function2 < AvgCount , AvgCount , AvgCount > combine =
new Function2 < AvgCount , AvgCount , AvgCount >() {
public AvgCount call ( AvgCount a , AvgCount b ) {
a . total += b . total ;
a . num += b . num ;
return a ;
AvgCount initial = new AvgCount ( 0 , 0 );
AvgCount result = rdd . aggregate ( initial , addAndCount , combine );
System . out . println ( result . avg ());
Some actions on RDDs return some or all of the data to our driver program in the
form of a regular collection or value.
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