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// local machine
val lines = ssc . socketTextStream ( "localhost" , 7777 )
// Filter our DStream for lines with "error"
val errorLines = lines . filter ( _ . contains ( "error" ))
// Print out the lines with errors
errorLines . print ()
Example 10-5. Streaming filter for printing lines containing “error” in Java
// Create a StreamingContext with a 1-second batch size from a SparkConf
JavaStreamingContext jssc = new JavaStreamingContext ( conf , Durations . seconds ( 1 ));
// Create a DStream from all the input on port 7777
JavaDStream < String > lines = jssc . socketTextStream ( "localhost" , 7777 );
// Filter our DStream for lines with "error"
JavaDStream < String > errorLines = lines . filter ( new Function < String , Boolean >() {
public Boolean call ( String line ) {
return line . contains ( "error" );
// Print out the lines with errors
errorLines . print ();
This sets up only the computation that will be done when the system receives data.
To start receiving data, we must explicitly call start() on the StreamingContext.
Then, Spark Streaming will start to schedule Spark jobs on the underlying SparkCon‐
text. This will occur in a separate thread, so to keep our application from exiting, we
also need to call awaitTermination to wait for the streaming computation to finish.
(See Examples 10-6 and 10-7 .)
Example 10-6. Streaming filter for printing lines containing “error” in Scala
// Start our streaming context and wait for it to "finish"
ssc . start ()
// Wait for the job to finish
ssc . awaitTermination ()
Example 10-7. Streaming filter for printing lines containing “error” in Java
// Start our streaming context and wait for it to "finish"
jssc . start ();
// Wait for the job to finish
jssc . awaitTermination ();
Note that a streaming context can be started only once, and must be started after we
set up all the DStreams and output operations we want.
Now that we have our simple streaming application, we can go ahead and run it, as
shown in Example 10-8 .
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