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This project declares two transitive dependencies: jopt-simple , a Java library to per‐
form option parsing, and joda-time , a library with utilities for time and date conver‐
sion. It also depends on Spark, but Spark is marked as provided to ensure that Spark
is never packaged with the application artifacts. The build includes the maven-shade-
plugin to create an uber JAR containing all of its dependencies. You enable this by
asking Maven to execute the shade goal of the plug-in every time a package phase
occurs. With this build configuration, an uber JAR is created automatically when mvn
package is run (see Example 7-6 ).
Example 7-6. Packaging a Spark application built with Maven
$ mvn package
# In the target directory, we'll see an uber JAR and the original package JAR
$ ls target/
# Listing the uber JAR will reveal classes from dependency libraries
$ jar tf target/example-build-1.0.jar
# An uber JAR can be passed directly to spark-submit
$ /path/to/spark/bin/spark-submit --master local ... target/example-build-1.0.jar
A Scala Spark Application Built with sbt
sbt is a newer build tool most often used for Scala projects. sbt assumes a similar
project layout to Maven. At the root of your project you create a build file called
build.sbt and your source code is expected to live in src/main/scala . sbt build files are
written in a configuration language where you assign values to specific keys in order
to define the build for your project. For instance, there is a key called name , which
contains the project name, and a key called libraryDependencies , which contains a
list of dependencies of your project. Example 7-7 gives a full sbt build file for a simple
application that depends on Spark along with a few other third-party libraries. This
build file works with sbt 0.13. Since sbt evolves quickly, you may want to read its
most recent documentation for any formatting changes in the build file format.
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