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callSigns . saveAsTextFile ( outputDir + "/callsigns" )
print "Blank lines: %d " % blankLines . value
Example 6-3. Accumulator empty line count in Scala
val sc = new SparkContext (...)
val file = sc . textFile ( "file.txt" )
val blankLines = sc . accumulator ( 0 ) // Create an Accumulator[Int] initialized to 0
val callSigns = file . flatMap ( line => {
if ( line == "" ) {
blankLines += 1 // Add to the accumulator
line . split ( " " )
callSigns . saveAsTextFile ( "output.txt" )
println ( "Blank lines: " + blankLines . value )
Example 6-4. Accumulator empty line count in Java
JavaRDD < String > rdd = sc . textFile ( args [ 1 ]);
final Accumulator < Integer > blankLines = sc . accumulator ( 0 );
JavaRDD < String > callSigns = rdd . flatMap (
new FlatMapFunction < String , String >() { public Iterable < String > call ( String line ) {
if ( line . equals ( "" )) {
blankLines . add ( 1 );
return Arrays . asList ( line . split ( " " ));
callSigns . saveAsTextFile ( "output.txt" )
System . out . println ( "Blank lines: " + blankLines . value ());
In these examples, we create an Accumulator[Int] called blankLines , and then add
1 to it whenever we see a blank line in the input. After evaluating the transformation,
we print the value of the counter. Note that we will see the right count only after we
run the saveAsTextFile() action, because the transformation above it, map() , is lazy,
so the side-effect incrementing of the accumulator will happen only when the lazy
map() transformation is forced to occur by the saveAsTextFile() action.
Of course, it is possible to aggregate values from an entire RDD back to the driver
program using actions like reduce() , but sometimes we need a simple way to aggre‐
gate values that, in the process of transforming an RDD, are generated at different
scale or granularity than that of the RDD itself. In the previous example, accumula‐
tors let us count errors as we load the data, without doing a separate filter() or
reduce() .
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