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“figuring it all out.” But if that's not your idea of fun, a kit may not be for you.
(I do believe that putting something together, like a 3D printer, is one of the best
ways to understand how something works and how to repair it later.)
Operating System Compatibility
Some 3D printers work with the Apple OS X operating system (OS), and some 3D
printers play well only with Microsoft Windows. Let's not forget that the Linux
operating system is enjoyed by many people around the globe, but unfortunately
not every 3D printer can be connected to a computer running this particular OS.
Whatever your choice of operating system, make certain that your new 3D printer
can be connected to your computer. Without a compatible computer (and OS), you
won't be able to print your 3D objects. The question to always ask (or look for on
product pages) is “what operating systems support this 3D printer?”
By all means, dig deep and make certain that the version of your OS is supported.
If you've got an older computer running Windows XP and that new 3D printer you
purchased supports only Windows Vista or newer, you're going to have to upgrade
your OS (if you even can) or find a new computer to connect it to.
Be aware that it's not just the 3D printer's compatibility with your OS
that you should be concerned with. You also want to make certain that
whatever 3D design software you want to use will run on your OS.
Software is discussed later in the topic, but for now know that some 3D
printing software runs only on Windows, for example. Other 3D print-
ing software might work with only the Mac OS. (And poor Linux has
even fewer options.)
Cost and Type of Filament
Because this topic is focused on plastic 3D printing, you'll typically be purchasing
your plastic filament in one of a half-dozen varieties. There are two types of fila-
ment, however, that you'll find most used in the hobbyist 3D printing world—PLA
and ABS.
PLA is Polyactic Acid and ABS is Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene. I'm not a
chemist, but I can tell you that these two types of plastic do have slightly different
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