Agriculture Reference
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Foxtail millet ( Setaria italica )
Sorghum ( Sorghum bicolor )
Ripe proso millet
Another genus of plants with millet-like seeds is Sorghum . The cultivated species, S. bicolor , pro-
duces edible grains that are simply called sorghum. Sorghum's growth habit is very similar to that of
corn (maize); plants grow to be very tall, sometimes over 13 ft. (4 m), and the panicle, which sits atop
the plant like the tassel on corn, can be used as a broom. Some varieties are specifically for popping
like popcorn. Sorghum needs lots of heat, which is why it is so often grown in tropical climates.
• 20-30 ft. 2 (2-3 m 2 ) patch or a field planted to grain
POLLINATION NOTES Millet and sorghum are generally wind-pollinated outcrossers, though foxtail
millet primarily self-pollinates, depending on the weather. Separate multiple varieties of the same spe-
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