Agriculture Reference
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When planting out in the spring, see to it that roots have good contact with the soil by pressing the
soil well around them. Plants should also be deeper in the soil than in autumn, with only the leaves
coming out of the heart of the root having direct exposure to the air. Plant at 24 in. (60 cm) between
and within the row. Water well, as new root growth is slow. Once the plant has bolted, it may be help-
ful to tie the stalks up with poles for added stability.
HARVEST Harvest seeds as soon after they become ripe as possible, as wind and rain easily knock ripe
seeds to the ground. One can either harvest umbels individually as they become ripe, or the whole
plant once the majority of umbels have ripe seeds on them. Hang entire plants upside down with a
sheet underneath (to catch falling seeds) to finish ripening and to dry. Unripe seeds harvested from en-
tire plants will have to be sorted out later, as for carrots (which see).
SELECTION CHARACTERISTICS FOR CELERY ROOT Recently we have seen the development of
“snow white” celeriac, which is curious as the essential oils, which give the root its flavor and other
important nutrients, are found in the yellowish spots in the root. Potential selection criteria:
• leaf: true-to-type growth patterns and size (leaf shape, color, and development; rapid growth; tight
onset of growth from crown)
• root bulb: true-to-type shape (round, flat, egg-like, conical); lack of voids (mostly found in very large
root bulbs; take a core sample)
• flesh: fine-grained and firm (not spongy)
• roots: no side roots, only at the bottom of the bulb; well-defined connection to the bulb (makes pro-
cessing easier). A strong root system is, however, important for good plant health and growth, so
strike a balance in your selection.
• good celery flavor (not bitter)
• health, lack of disease
• stalks: fineness of skin and of stalk; juiciness; aroma
• true-to-type color (green, green-yellow, golden yellow, pink)
• lends itself well to blanching or is self-blanching
• length (up to 15-20 in. [40-50 cm]) and thickness (up to 1.5-2 in. [4-5 cm]) of the stalks
• bolt resistance
• health, lack of disease
• good regrowth
• abundant leaves, vigor
• robust aroma
DISEASES AND PESTS The two most important diseases of celery are seed-borne, so seed savers must
take special care to avoid them. Root rot in celery ( Phoma apiicola ) appears first as gray, then reddish
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