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A useful quantity with which to compare this with is the reciprocal of
the lifetime calculated from the sum of the first order loss processes
involving NO 3 and N 2 O 5
t ð NO 3 Þ 1 X i k ð NO 3 þ HC i Þ ½ HC i þ k ð NO 3 þ DMS Þ ½ DMS þ k het ð NO 3 Þ
þ k I ½ H 2 O þ k II ½ H 2 O 2 þ k het ð N 2 O 5 Þ
: K 2 : 54 ½ NO 2
ð 2 : 62 Þ
where the pseudo first-order loss rates over the i reactive hydrocar-
bons are summed and k I and k II are the first- and second-order
components with respect to H 2 O of the reaction
N 2 O 5 þ H 2 O
2HNO 3
k het (NO 3 ) and k het (N 2 O 5 ) are the heterogeneous loss rates for these
species and K 2.54 is the equilibrium constant for reactions (2.53 and
2.54). Figure 17 shows the observed lifetime of NO 3 in the MBL at
Mace Head, Ireland 29 segregated by arrival wind sector. Mace Head
experiences a range of air masses from clean marine air to European
continental outflow. The measured NO 3 lifetime varies from 2 min to
4 h (see Figure 17). An assessment of the parameters controlling NO 3
atmospheric lifetime (cf. Equation (2.61)) highlights that, under the
conditions encountered the lifetime of NO 3 chemistry is very sensitive
to DMS and NMHC chemistry in clean marine air. However, in
more polluted air the terms involving the indirect loss of N 2 O 5 either
in the gas-phase with H 2 O or through uptake on aerosol tend to
From the preceding discussion it can be seen that the involvement of
NO 3 chemistry in gas-phase tropospheric chemistry has potentially six
significant consequences. 28
(i) The radical can control NO y speciation in the atmosphere at
night (via reaction (2.54)).
(ii) Nitric acid can be formed, by hydrolysis of N 2 O 5 , as a product of
a hydrogen abstraction process or indirectly via the NO 3 -medi-
ated production of OH, which can react with NO 2 (reaction
(2.23)) to produce nitric acid.
(iii) Primary organic pollutants can be oxidised and removed at night.
(iv) Radicals (HO x and RO 2 ) produced by NO 3 chemistry can act as
initiators for chain oxidation chemistry.
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