Geology Reference
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on Figure 11. For example, in region A the loss of ozone (L(O 3 )) is
greater than the production of ozone (P(O 3 )), hence the net product of
this process, i.e.
N(O 3 ) ¼ P(O 3 ) L(O 3 )
leads to a net ozone loss. The photochemical loss of ozone can be
represented as
L(O 3 ) ¼ (f j 2.7 (O 1 D) [O 3 ]) þ k 2.15 [HO 2 ] þ k 2.16 [OH] (2.32)
where f is the fraction of O( 1 D) atoms that react with water vapour
(reaction (2.8)) rather than are deactivated to O( 3 P) (reactions (2.9) and
(2.10)). Evaluation of Equation (2.32) is effectively a lower limit for the
ozone loss rate as it neglects any other potential chemical loss processes
for ozone such as cloud chemistry, 17 NO 3 chemistry (see Section 2.6) or
halogen chemistry (see Section 2.9). The balance point, i.e. where N(O 3 )
¼ 0 is often referred to, somewhat misleadingly, as the compensation
point and occurs at a critical concentration of NO x . Above the com-
pensation point P(O 3 )4L(O 3 ) and therefore N(O 3 ) is positive and the
system is forming ozone. The in-situ formation rate for ozone is ap-
proximately given by the rate at which the peroxy radicals (HO 2 and
RO 2 ) oxidise NO to NO 2 . This is followed by the rapid photolysis of
NO 2 (reaction (2.4)) to yield the oxygen atom required to produce O 3 .
P(O 3 ) ¼ [NO] (k 2.19 [HO 2 ] þ Sk i [RO 2 ] i )
It is also worth noting that P(O 3 ) can also be expressed in terms of the
concentrations of NO x , j 2.2 (NO 2 ), O 3 and temperature by substitution of
Equation (2.27) into Equation (2.33) to give
P(O 3 ) ¼ j 2.2 [NO 2 ] k 2.24 [NO][O 3 ]
At some concentration of NO x the system reaches a maximum produc-
tion rate for ozone at dP(O 3 )/d(NO x ) ¼ 0 and even though P(O 3 ) is still
significantly larger than L(O 3 ) the net production rate begins to fall off
with increasing NO x . Until this maximum is reached the system is said to
be NO x limited with respect to the production of ozone. The turn-over,
i.e. dP(O 3 )/d(NO x ) ¼ 0 is caused by the increased competition for NO x
by the reaction
OH þ NO 2 þ M
HNO 3 þ M
In reality, the situation is somewhat more complicated owing to the
presence at high concentrations of NO x of increased levels of non-
methane hydrocarbons (NMHCs), especially in places such as the urban
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