Geology Reference
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NO 2 þ OH ! HNO 3 k 2 ¼ 1 : 4 10 11 cm 3 molec s 1 ð 7 : 7 Þ
Making the crude assumption of a constant concentration of OH
radical 6 (more justifiable for the long-lived methane, for which fluctu-
ations in OH will average out, than for short-lived nitrogen dioxide)
½ CH 4 ¼ k 2 ½ CH 4 ½ OH
¼ k 0 1 ½ CH 4
where k 0 1 ¼ k 2 [OH]
Worked example
What are the atmospheric lifetimes of CH 4 and NO 2 if the diurnally
averaged concentration of OH radical is 1 10 6 molec cm 3 ?
k 0 1 ¼ 6 : 2 10 15 1 10 6
¼ 6 : 2 10 9 s 1
Then from Equation (7.4)
t ¼ k 1
¼ð 6 : 2 10 9 Þ 1 s
¼ 5 : 1 years for CH 4
By analogy, for nitrogen dioxide, the lifetime
t ¼ 20 h
This general approach to atmospheric chemical cycling has proved
useful in many instances. For example, measurements of atmospheric
concentration, [A], for a globally mixed component may be used to
estimate source strength, since
S 0 ¼ R 0 ¼ d ½ A
¼ k 2 ½ A ½ OH
S ¼ S 0 V
where V is the volume of atmosphere in which the component is mixed.
Source strengths estimated in this way, for example, for the compound
methyl chloroform, CH 3 CCl 3 , known to destroy stratospheric ozone,
may be compared with known industrial emissions to deduce whether
natural sources contribute to the atmospheric burden.
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