Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
If you want to query for a specific element of an array, you can specify an index using
the syntax key . index :
>{"fruit.2" : "peach"})
Arrays are always 0-indexed, so this would match the third array element against the
string "peach" .
A useful conditional for querying arrays is "$size" , which allows you to query for arrays
of a given size. Here's an example:
>{"fruit" : {"$size" : 3}})
One common query is to get a range of sizes. "$size" cannot be combined with another
$ conditional (in this example, "$gt" ), but this query can be accomplished by adding
a "size" key to the document. Then, every time you add an element to the array, in-
crement the value of "size" . If the original update looked like this:
>{"$push" : {"fruit" : "strawberry"}})
it can simply be changed to this:
>{"$push" : {"fruit" : "strawberry"}, "$inc" : {"size" : 1}})
Incrementing is extremely fast, so any performance penalty is negligible. Storing docu-
ments like this allows you to do queries such as this:
>{"size" : {"$gt" : 3}})
Unfortunately, this technique doesn't work as well with the "$addToSet" operator.
The $slice operator
As mentioned earlier in this chapter, the optional second argument to find specifies
the keys to be returned. The special "$slice" operator can be used to return a subset
of elements for an array key.
For example, suppose we had a blog post document and we wanted to return the first
>, {"comments" : {"$slice" : 10}})
Alternatively, if we wanted the last 10 comments, we could use -10:
>, {"comments" : {"$slice" : -10}})
"$slice" can also return pages in the middle of the results by taking an offset and the
number of elements to return:
>, {"comments" : {"$slice" : [23, 10]}})
This would skip the first 23 elements and return the 24th through 34th. If there are
fewer than 34 elements in the array, it will return as many as possible.
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