Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
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Installing RDoc documentation for mongo-1.0.2...
Installing the mongo gem will also install the bson gem on which it depends. The
bson gem handles all of the BSON encoding and decoding for the driver (for more on
BSON, see “BSON” on page 179 ). The bson gem will also make use of C extensions
available in the bson_ext gem to improve performance, if that gem has been installed.
For maximum performance, be sure to install bson_ext :
$ gem install bson_ext
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
Successfully installed bson_ext-1.0.1
1 gem installed
If bson_ext is on the load path, it will be used automatically.
Using the Ruby Driver
To connect to an instance of MongoDB, use the Mongo::Connection class. Once we have
an instance of Mongo::Connection , we can get an individual database (here we use the
stuffy database) using bracket notation:
> require 'rubygems'
=> true
> require 'mongo'
=> true
> db =["stuffy"]
The Ruby driver uses hashes to represent documents. Aside from that, the API is similar
to that of the shell with most method names being the same. (Although the Ruby driver
uses underscore_naming, whereas the shell often uses camelCase.) To insert the docu-
ment {"x" : 1} into the bar collection and query for the result, we would do the
> db["bar"].insert :x => 1
=> BSON::ObjectID('4c168343e6fb1b106f000001')
> db["bar"].find_one
=> {"_id"=>BSON::ObjectID('4c168343e6fb1b106f000001'), "x"=>1}
There are some important gotchas about documents in Ruby that you need to be
aware of:
• Hashes are ordered in Ruby 1.9, which matches how documents work in
MongoDB. In Ruby 1.8, however, hashes are unordered. The driver provides a
special type, BSON::OrderedHash , which must be used instead of a regular hash
whenever key order is important.
• Hashes being saved to MongoDB can have symbols as either keys or values. Hashes
returned from MongoDB will have symbol values wherever they were present in
the input, but any symbol keys will be returned as strings. So, {:x => :y} will
become {"x" => :y} . This is a side effect of the way documents are represented in
BSON (see Appendix C for more on BSON).
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