Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
logpath = mongodb.log
This configuration file specifies the same options we used earlier when starting with
regular command-line arguments. It also highlights most of the interesting aspects of
MongoDB configuration files:
• Any text on a line that follows the # character is ignored as a comment.
• The syntax for specifying options is option = value , where option is case-sensitive.
• For command-line switches like --fork , the value true should be used.
Stopping MongoDB
Being able to safely stop a running MongoDB server is at least as important as being
able to start one. There are a couple of different options for doing this effectively.
The most basic way to stop a running MongoDB server is to send it a SIGINT or
SIGTERM signal. If the server is running as the foreground process in a terminal, this
can be done by pressing Ctrl-C. Otherwise, a command like kill can be used to send
the signal. If mongod has 10014 as its PID, the command would be kill -2 10014
(SIGINT) or kill 10014 (SIGTERM).
When mongod receives a SIGINT or SIGTERM, it will do a clean shutdown. This means
it will wait for any currently running operations or file preallocations to finish (this
could take a moment), close all open connections, flush all data to disk, and halt.
It is important not to send a SIGKILL message ( kill -9 ) to a running
MongoDB server. Doing so will cause the database to shut down with-
out going through the steps outlined earlier and could lead to corrupt
data files. If this happens, the database should be repaired (see “Re-
pair” on page 124 ) before being started back up.
Another way to cleanly shut down a running server is to use the shutdown command,
{"shutdown" : 1} . This is an admin command and must be run on the admin database.
The shell features a helper function to make this easier:
> use admin
switched to db admin
> db.shutdownServer();
server should be down...
As the administrator of a MongoDB server, it's important to monitor the health and
performance of your system. Fortunately, MongoDB has functionality that makes
monitoring easy.
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