Databases Reference
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Database References
Perhaps one of the least understood features of MongoDB is its support for database
references , or DBRefs . DBRefs are like URLs: they are simply a specification for uniquely
identifying a reference to document. They do not automatically load the document any
more than a URL automatically loads a web page into a site with a link.
What Is a DBRef?
A DBRef is an embedded document, just like any other embedded document in
MongoDB. A DBRef, however, has specific keys that must be present. A simple example
looks like the following:
{"$ref" : collection , "$id" : id_value }
The DBRef references a specific collection and an id_value that we can use to find a
single document by its "_id" within that collection. These two pieces of information
allow us to use a DBRef to uniquely identify and reference any document within a
MongoDB database. If we want to reference a document in a different database, DBRefs
support an optional third key that we can use, "$db" :
{"$ref" : collection , "$id" : id_value , "$db" : database }
DBRefs are one place in MongoDB where the order of keys in a docu-
ment matters. The first key in a DBRef must be "$ref" , followed by
"$id" , and then (optionally) "$db" .
Example Schema
Let's look at an example schema that uses DBRefs to reference documents across col-
lections. The schema consists of two collections, users and notes . Users can create notes,
which can reference users or other notes. Here are a couple of user documents, each
with a unique username as its "_id" and a separate free-form "display_name" :
{"_id" : "mike", "display_name" : "Mike D"}
{"_id" : "kristina", "display_name" : "Kristina C"}
Notes are a little more complex. Each has a unique "_id" . Normally this "_id" would
probably be an ObjectId , but we use an integer here to keep the example concise. Notes
also have an "author" , some "text" , and an optional set of "references" to other notes
or users:
{"_id" : 5, "author" : "mike", "text" : "MongoDB is fun!"}
{"_id" : 20, "author" : "kristina", "text" : "... and DBRefs are easy, too",
"references": [{"$ref" : "users", "$id" : "mike"}, {"$ref" : "notes", "$id" : 5}]}
The second note contains some references to other documents, each stored as a
DBRef. Our application code can use those DBRefs to get the documents for the “mike”
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