Databases Reference
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Getting Started with GridFS: mongofiles
The easiest way to get up and running with GridFS is by using the mongofiles utility.
mongofiles is included with all MongoDB distributions and can be used to upload,
download, list, search for, or delete files in GridFS. As with any of the other command-
line tools, run mongofiles --help to see the options available for mongofiles . The fol-
lowing session shows how to use mongofiles to upload a file from the filesystem to
GridFS, list all of the files in GridFS, and download a file that we've
previously uploaded:
$ echo "Hello, world" > foo.txt
$ ./mongofiles put foo.txt
connected to:
added file: { _id: ObjectId('4c0d2a6c3052c25545139b88'),
filename: "foo.txt", length: 13, chunkSize: 262144,
uploadDate: new Date(1275931244818),
md5: "a7966bf58e23583c9a5a4059383ff850" }
$ ./mongofiles list
connected to:
foo.txt 13
$ rm foo.txt
$ ./mongofiles get foo.txt
connected to:
done write to: foo.txt
$ cat foo.txt
Hello, world
In the previous example, we perform three basic operations using mongofiles : put ,
list , and get . The put operation takes a file in the filesystem and adds it to GridFS,
list will list any files that have been added to GridFS, and get does the inverse of
put : it takes a file from GridFS and writes it to the filesystem. mongofiles also supports
two other operations: search for finding files in GridFS by filename and delete for
removing a file from GridFS.
Working with GridFS from the MongoDB Drivers
We've seen how easy it is to work with GridFS from the command line, and it's equally
easy to work with from the MongoDB drivers. For example, we can use PyMongo, the
Python driver for MongoDB, to perform the same series of operations as we did with
mongofiles :
>>> from pymongo import Connection
>>> import gridfs
>>> db = Connection().test
>>> fs = gridfs.GridFS(db)
>>> file_id = fs.put("Hello, world", filename="foo.txt")
>>> fs.list()
>>> fs.get(file_id).read()
'Hello, world'
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