Biomedical Engineering Reference
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FIGURE 18.2 Secramine inhibits intracellular membrane traffic. ( See insert for color rep-
resentation of the figure .)
derived from PAK1, can be used to precipitate GTP-bound Cdc42. In the experiment,
Cdc42([ 35 S]GTP
and PIP2 liposomes in a process catalyzed by the endogenous guanine nucleotide
exchange factor (GEF). Coprecipitation between Cdc42([ 35 S]GTP
S) was made by mixing the X. laevis egg extract with [ 35 S]GTP
S) and GST-PBD
was not observed in cases when secramine was either present in the X. laevis egg
extract or added to the pre-formed Cdc42([ 35 S]GTP
S). The fact that the coprecipita-
tion between Cdc42([ 35 S]GTP
S) and GST-PBD was detected when secramine was
added last in the assay suggested that secramine blocked the Cdc42([ 35 S]GTP
binding with GST-PBD indirectly in a noncompetitive manner.
To test if secramine inhibits the membrane association of Cdc42 before binding
its effectors [61], the compound's effects were examined through the membrane-
dependent nucleotide exchange activity of prenylated Cdc42. Secramine was found
to inhibit the exchange of GDP for [ 35 S]GTP
S in a Cdc42(GDP)-RhoGDI1 com-
plex that was prepared with isolated PIP2 liposomes and the DH-PH domain of
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