Biomedical Engineering Reference
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FIGURE 12.5 Basics of DSF approach for screening proteins. Environment-sensitive dye
binds to the hydrophobic patches of unfolded protein: (a) resulting in fluorescence increase
visualized in melting curves; (b) and their first derivatives; (c) for a protein alone and together
with its ligand.
screening libraries that have an extreme diversity of compounds, such as those present
in DOS collections.
12.3.4 Common Cell-Based Assays
Cell-based assays could be divided primarily into plate reader-based assays and imag-
ing (high-content screening, HCS) assays; the latter are discussed in detail in the next
section. The main difference between these assay types is the level of the information
resolution: measured signal is generated by the cells and media present in the wells of
plate-reader assays, while HCS assays are capable to subcellular localization track-
ing and background subtraction through capturing microscopy images and employing
population statistics analysis. Similarly to biochemical assays, all cell-based assays
could be subdivided into functional and binding groups. Assignment of assays to
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