Biomedical Engineering Reference
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literature, suggesting an increasing interest in developing chemical diversity around
the amino acid scaffolds and peptidomimetics. This is of primary importance in view
of addressing “undruggable” protein-protein interactions that have been identified as
key players in cell cycle events or of a still unknown function, thus paving the way
toward the development of new therapeutic strategies for relevant diseases. Taking
advantage of peptidomimetics as privileged structures in medicinal chemistry, the
combination of interests in the fields of DOS and peptidomimetics may open a
new avenue toward important molecular probes and hit compounds for biomedical
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M. J. Loots, M. G. Perri, E. W. Petrillo, J. R. Powell, J. Med. Chem. 1988 , 31 , 204-212.
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15. E. M. Gordon, M. A. Gallop, D. V. Patel, Acc. Chem. Res. 1996 , 29 , 144-154.
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