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SCHEME 5.17 Spirooxindole formation. (Adapted from [21], with permission; copyright
2010 American Chemical Society.)
Hydrozirconation of nitriles 42a and b with Schwartz reagent provided metal-
loimines that were subjected to acylation by treatment with hydrocinnamoyl chlo-
ride to provide building blocks 43 and 44. The configuration of the Friedel-Crafts
cyclization step was controlled by the C2 indole substitution, with the less hindered
chlorosubstituent favoring a pseudoaxial conformation ( A ), whereas the inverted con-
formation ( B ) would be preferred with larger groups at C2 (i.e., OTIPS) (Scheme
5.19). Following hydrolysis of the chloroiminium intermediate (not shown), the
spirooxindoles 43 and 44 were isolated in 83% yield, with a dr
7.3 : 1, from the
2-chloroindole substrate. In the presence of Sc(OTf) 3 , 2-siloxyindole 42b also gave
high selectivities. In this case, the spirooxindole isomer 44 was the major product
5 : 1) formed in a slightly lower ratio of trans : cis amide to benzyloxy groups
SCHEME 5.18 Preparation of cascade precursors.
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