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Indanolamide synthesis.
isomers. The syn isomers 39a are probably formed via a chelation-controlled five-
membered transition state (Scheme 5.15, TS1 ).
The formation of cyclopentyl bicycles via the cascade sequence were slower and
required electron-donating substituents (i.e., methoxyarenes, 36b or an indole group,
36c ). Unlike the tetrahydronaphthyl-containing examples, these derivatives gave anti
isomers ( 39b and c ) with high diastereoselectivities (
10 : 1, Table 5.12). In addition,
-hydroxy amide library composed of 41a and b was prepared by hydrogenolysis
of the benzyl groups (Scheme 5.16).
The nitrile hydrozirconation-acylation-Friedel-Crafts alkylation protocol was
expanded further to produce a stereochemically diverse series of spirooxindoles
43 and 44 (Scheme 5.17) [21]. The pivotal 2-chloro- and 2-triisopropylsiloxyindoles,
42a and b , respectively, were readily prepared from the 3-substituted indole 42c ,
which is available through a Fischer indole synthesis from N -benzylphenylhydrazine
and the corresponding aldehyde (Scheme 5.18).
SCHEME 5.14 Preparation of cyanohydrins. (Adapted from [18], with permission; copy-
right C
2009 American Chemical Society.)
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