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This scenario will, as result in a course of events, change the era of industrial-
ism and working conditions. A serious consequence may be that a large number
of population that will be unemployed. To enable these people in old activities
age to attend social activities and meaningful, the introduction of artificial sensors
systems challenges the thresholds of perceptual performance that may shape en-
richment activities and improve the quality life. Also, to focus on improving the
unhealthy job conditions that is uncomfortable, dirty and unattractive works to
be performed by mobile robot systems or automated operations as illustrated in
Fig. 2.2. This may result in a social change and we may find a healthier population
of all ages.
The reasoning given in the text above will give rise to the following two con-
ceivable scenarios, that may require additional and sensing abilities to perceive
additional information:
(1) The working part of a population has to increasingly spend more quality time
in producing advanced services mainly in the maintenance and service sec-
tors. A workers perceptual skills are nowadays in most cases replaced by cor-
responding artificial devices with better performance. The human perceptual
ability provides a great possibility in creating new types of jobs in the service
sector, providing a refocus of skill. This highly communicative skill is today,
however not often required, when requiring an implementation of social, emo-
tional based talent service oriented employment.
(2) The main populations, who will not work on a regular basis, also strive for a
good quality in life. It is foreseen that this group is expecting to increase their
Figure 2.2.
A robot substitutes the human worker in a contaminated environment, a
painting cell.
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