Biomedical Engineering Reference
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technology-driven, when substituting natural impressions by corresponding arti-
ficial ones. The use of artificial and technology competent devices that comple-
ment the human perceptual capability and substitute natural impressions is now
steadily increasing. There seems to be a priority to appraise the social networks
before the interaction with nature. The development of social-based artificial de-
vices has, since some years now, been experiencing an emerging interest. The need
for social interaction seems to be of high importance to human's well-being.
However, the development has often been technology-driven by social trends
that lack a social affiliation, where the young generation instead (or nowadays
even elderly people) are playing computer games or using a social robot instead of
a traditional social interaction in conjunction with the families or friends.
By definition, the social connection to technology-based devices, i.e., auto-
mated and maybe autonomous driven sensor systems designed as an acting per-
ceptual prosthesis, which have a performance implying that we are comfortable
communicating with the device that provides us with useful information.
requirements of a social device may be directing the following abilities:
interacting with the individual in her close proximity to communicate some sort
of perceptual information flow needed to make the proper underlying decision
or filling out needed data.
understanding the basic concept of the parts involved, their aims, prerequisite
and limitations in the manners that fulfil a perceptual requirement or needs.
complementary perceptual behaviours between the technology devices and an
individual's perceptual ability, the prosthesis may increase the performance on
the basis level of quality.
The social dimension has to exhibit a certain minimum capability of comple-
menting and understanding the human perceptual needs in interactions with other
humans. Since we are able to judge situations reasonably well, get a general view,
find the context and use our intuition in common situations, a feasible perceptual
prosthesis has to consider the human-related behavioural properties. On the other
hand, humans may have a need to complement for the poor capabilities, like man-
aging a number of situations simultaneously, performing tasks by routine, remem-
bering details, abandoning incorrect conclusions or handling stress. Well-balanced
information that is presented to the individual at the right times is crucial for the
effectiveness in a sensing-acting process, e.g., a perceptual-based prosthesis.
This approach implies that technology-based socially directed devices can be
used in a different number of personal applications. In the social aspect, two
related applications will be further discussed. The area of personal interior sys-
tems or more specifically; the perceptual acting and natural mimicing prosthesis,
is foreseen to be an emerging field of technology development. Further, the area
of personal exterior systems ; is defined as a remote system or a prosthesis acting like
a technical system connected to the human perception. The system may be exem-
plified by a social network of both artificial and biological agents in symbiosis, can
be illustrated in the area of the search and rescue. A socially-related artificial and
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