Biomedical Engineering Reference
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communication based on the system operator that attracts human preferences. In
the following sections conceptually defined approaches are exemplified in indus-
trial plants.
7.2.1 The Visual Communication Concepts
In a number of existing complex industrial processes which produce a nor-
mal sequence of non-linear behaviors, there is a desirable need for clear and
user-friendly communication. It is of importance in order to enable the individual
operator as part of the process, in order to perform complex decisions. It is cru-
cial to be conscious of and have an exceptional knowledge about the momentary
process states, rather than some generally occurring and specific known physical,
biological or chemical properties. However, these basic and quantitative values
are often used and the predefined quantities. Pressure, speed or temperature, are
very often related as controllable properties and are moreover often shown as the
main communicating parameters to monitor a process, e.g., in a paper plant or
food processing line.
Normally, the industrial process makes use of different presentation models to
visualise a complex industrial process. Then, depending on the presentation mode,
the operator's involvement and skill differs in more or less advance interactions as
a variable part in the process control loop.
Typically, in the industrial process communication with an operator, the visu-
alisation modes normally are implemented as:
a physical view of the process or parts thereof. This can be performed by virtual reality.
an implementation structure mode uses logical or physical block description.
a mathematical mode that visualises the process or parts thereof by a mathematical
description. This mode requires an understanding from the operator that enables the
user to be able to adjust the relationships among the parameters in the process.
Both the illustrative examples (in section 7.2.2 and 7.2.3) below use the math-
ematical mode to effectively introduce and basically involve the operator into the
process. The operator in conjunction with the presentation technique may then
in the mathematical mode act more effectively in adopting the communication as-
pect than the other of the above modes. This can be indicated by the use of single
features in the interaction, designated as human-based featural singletons in both
Traditionally, visual presentation or interfacing systems have prefered the type
of complex, colorful and computer oriented presentations. Over the last decade
however, it has become increasingly obvious that a more effective relationship
between the human operator, conventional information and interacting systems.
The effectiveness is needed to secure the communication built upon the capabili-
ties and abilities between the two parts in symbiosis (human and system).
Since the human operation is still often used for complex industrial control and
in decision-making situations, an interface that is convenient, useful and effective
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