Biomedical Engineering Reference
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even without spectacles on. However, the causes that made the indication lamp to
flash could also give rise to other and more serious problems such as causing the
car to stop. But since I was in a great mood the whole day, it probably contributed
to a deep feeling of satisfaction and I was obviously in balance. I really felt good.
This fictatious story indicates that decisions are made, and based on, a received
perceptual degree of confidence in the environment and also incorporating expe-
riences gained earlier in time, i.e., activities experienced both in short and long
time aspects. Normal perceptual deficiency that may occur is in many cases com-
pensated by experience. The main issue is, however, despite a cogent knowledge
about the limited abilities of present and available perceptual capabilities, compen-
sation affection normally occurs by other sensations, and complementing my own
arising limitations. The car manufacturer has placed the red alarming indicator
lamps at a location different from the yellow warning indicator lamps. By know-
ing where the flashing light in the instrument panel is located, the conclusion made
was that the yellow light was most likely flashing. Further, despite my loss of cor-
rectional lenses, the trip went rather safely, when the car navigation system was
also equipped with an artificial voice, that after pressing on some buttons was able
to communicate the driving directions in a friendly and pleasant voice.
The story has mainly one goal, to ensure each and everyone that human
capacity is unique and a valuable resource to rely on when we end-up in uncer-
tain situations. These situations are by some reason also often technology-related
matters or more correctly lack of technology performance. An additional point
may therefore also be, to have confidence in the human communication abilities
when interacting with other people as well as artificial devices.
It is however, of importance to know your perceptual limitations in order to
estimate the individual adaptation in various situations. The perceptual acuity
may be compensating by additive functions that improve the overall abilities. This
can be done by simple corrections, e.g., spectacles, coclea implants or sophisti-
cated support systems, e.g., electrical wheelchair. Also the need for more intelli-
gent multi-sensor systems that complement the human abilities may strengthen
the sensing functions, e.g., in preventing elderly people from falling, stop a car
when driver is drunk, when affected by toxic effects, just tired or recieving a daily
personal health diagnostics. The advanced systems may increase the quality of the
daily work and make better use of existing support systems.
This can be illustrated by the definition, whether a person is considering him-
self as not feeling well. The determination of a person in being sick, e.g., having
an increased body temperature is considered within certain temperature ranges.
If temperature exceeds 41 C then it may be time to cool down or if below 33 C
then the person may have to be warmed-up. If the person ends-up outside the
fever temperature range, a life-threatening situation occurs. Now, a “normal” tem-
perature may vary distinctly, for example between approximately 36.5 C-37.4 C
depending on influencing factors such as activity, external environment, etc.
On the other hand, depending on the location of where the body temperature
is measured, the temperature will vary with the magnitude of degrees, e.g., in
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