Cryptography Reference
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Symmetric Encryption Systems
When one talks about cryptography, one is often referring to confidentiality protec-
tion using symmetric encryption systems (to encrypt and decrypt data). Encryption
is the process that turns a plaintext message into a ciphertext ,and decryption is the
reverse process (i.e., the process that turns a ciphertext into a plaintext message).
As suggested in Definition 2.6, a symmetric encryption system consists of a set
of possible plaintext messages (i.e., the plaintext message space), a set of possible
ciphertexts (i.e., the ciphertext space), a set of possible keys (i.e., the key space), as
well as two families of encryption and decryption functions (or algorithms) that are
inverse to each other.
Figure 2.4
The working principle of a symmetric encryption system.
Definition 2.6 (Symmetric encryption system) A symmetric encryption system or
cipher consists of the following five components:
; 3
A plaintext message space
A ciphertext space
A key space
A family E =
E k : k
of encryption functions E k :
A family D =
D k : k
of decryption functions D k :
, the functions D k and E k
must be inverse to each other (i.e., D k ( E k ( m )) = E k ( D k ( m )) = m ).
For every key k
and every message m
In some literature, the plaintext message space is denoted by P . In this topic, however, we
conventionally use the letter “P” to refer to a probability distribution.
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