Cryptography Reference
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In either case, it is not possible for the adversary to prepare himself or herself
for both cases (otherwise, he or she could extract the private key x ). If, for example,
the adversary were able to prepare s 0 for c =0(i.e., s 0 = r )and s 1 for c =1(i.e.,
s 1 = rx ), then he or she could easily compute x = s 1 /s 0 .
Consequently, the attacker has a probability of 1 / 2 to cheat in every protocol
round. This suggests that the protocol must be executed in multiple rounds (until an
acceptable cheating probability is reached). If, for example, the protocol is repeated
k times (where k is a security parameter), then the cheating probability is 1 / 2 k .
The Fiat-Shamir authentication protocol has the zero-knowledge property,
because it is possible to efficiently simulate the protocol execution transcripts and
to compute t , c ,and s (with the same probability distributions) without interacting
with the prover. Furthermore, there are several variations of the basic Fiat-Shamir
authentication protocol:
The k rounds can be performed in parallel to reduce the number of rounds. In
this case, the values t , c ,and s are replaced with vectors of k values each. This
variation was actually the one proposed by Fiat and Shamir in their original
paper [23]. It is not zero knowledge, because the simulation cannot be done
Another parallel version is for A to have z different private keys x 1 ,...,x z
(and hence public keys y 1 ,...,y z ) [24]. As before, the first message is
t = r 2 (mod n ), but now the challenge consists of z bits c 1 ,...,c z and the
prover must respond with s = r i =1 x c i
(mod n ). In this case, the cheating
probability is at most 2 −z .
Other variations are described and discussed in the literature. For example,
the basic Fiat-Shamir authentication protocol can be generalized in a way that e th
powers (where e is a prime) are used (instead of squares), and the challenge c is
a value between 0 and e
1 (instead of 0 or 1). The resulting protocol is due to
Louis C. Guillou and Jean-Jacques Quisquater [25]. Similar to RSA, it is assumed
that extracting e th roots requires factoring a large integer, and hence it is assumed to
be computationally infeasible.
Similar to the Fiat-Shamir authentication protocol, the Guillou-Quisquater authenti-
cation protocol works in rounds. A round is illustrated in Protocol 17.2. Again, A is
the prover and B is the verifier.
In every round, A proves that he or she knows the private key x that refers
to the public key y
x e (mod n ). A randomly selects an r
Z n and computes
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