Cryptography Reference
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protocol then works in rounds, where each round can be formally expressed as
illustrated in Protocol 17.1. In this setting, A is the prover and B is the verifier.
Protocol 17.1
A round in the Fiat-Shamir authentication protocol.
( n, x )
( n, y )
r ∈ R Z n
t = r 2 (mod n )
c ∈ R { 0 , 1 }
s ≡ rx c (mod n )
s 2 ? ≡ ty c (mod n )
( accept or reject )
R Z n and computes t = r 2 (mod n ).
This value is sent to B. B, in turn, randomly selects a bit c
In every round, A randomly selects r
and uses it
to challenge A. If c =0, then A must respond with s = r and B must verify that
s 2
R {
0 , 1
t (mod n ). If, however, c =1, then A must respond with s = rx (mod n )
and B must verify that s 2
ty (mo d n ). In either case, the authentication is
accepted or rejected (depending on the outcome of the corresponding verification
step). The protocol is complete, because
s 2
r 2 ( x c ) 2
t ( x 2 ) c
ty c (mod n ) .
To show that it is also sound, one must look at the adversary and ask what he
or she can do in every single round. Obviously, the adversary can randomly select a
Z n , wait for B to provide a challenge c
, and guess an appropriate
value for s . Fortunately (from A's viewpoint), the success probability of this attack is
negligibly small (for any reasonably sized n ). There are, however, also more subtle
attacks one may think of. If, for example, an adversary were able to properly predict
the challenge c , then he or she could prepare himself or herself to provide the correct
R {
0 , 1
If c =0, then the protocol can be executed as normal (i.e., he or she can
randomly select r and send t = r 2 (mod n ) and s = r to the verifier);
R Z n and compute t =
s 2 /y (mod n ). These values are then sent to the verifier in the appropriate
protocol steps.
If c =1, then the adversary can randomly select s
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