Cryptography Reference
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The Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol using Z p .
Protocol 16.4
( p, g )
( p, g )
x a R { 0 ,...,p− 2 }
x b R { 0 ,...,p− 2 }
y a ≡ g x a (mod p )
y b ≡ g x b (mod p )
y a
y b
K ab ≡ y x a
K ba ≡ y x a (mod p )
(mod p )
( K ab )
( K ba )
using this group is illustrated in Protocol 16.4. Let p be a large prime and g be
a generator of
Z p . A and B know p and q , and want to use the Diffie-Hellman
key exchange protocol to agree on a shared secret key K . A randomly selects
a private exponent x a
0 ,...,p
, computes the corresponding public
g x a (mod p ), and sends y a to B. B, in turn, randomly selects a
private exponent x b ∈{
exponent y a
0 ,...,p
, computes the corresponding public exponent
g x b (mod p ), and sends y b to A. A then computes
y b
y x a
g x b x a (mod p )
K ab
and B computes
y x a
g x a x b (mod p ) .
K ba
Because the exponents commute, K ab is equal to K ba . It is the output of the
Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol and can be used as a secret key K .
Let us consider two toy examples to illustrate the working principle of the
Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol:
Z 17 ). A randomly selects x a =7,
Let p =17and g =3(i.e., g =3generates
3 7 (mod 17) = 11, and sends the resulting value 11 to B.
B, in turn, randomly selects x b =4, computes y b
computes y a
3 4 (mod 17) = 13,and
sends the resulting value 13 to A. A now computes y x a
13 7 (mod 17) =
4, and B computes y x b
11 4 (mod 17) = 4. Consequently, K =4is the
shared secret that can be used as a session key.
Z 347 ). A randomly
Let p = 347 and g =11(i.e., g =11generates
11 240
selects x a = 240, computes y a
(mod 347) = 49, and sends the
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