Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 15.2
The PSS-R Sign algorithm.
the last part of y is g 2 ( w )
m (instead of only g 2 ( w )). This means that g 2 ( w ) is
used to mask the message.
Algorithm 15.6
The PSS-R Recover algorithm.
( n, e, s )
y ← s e (mod n )
break up y as b w r m
r ← r ⊕ g 1 ( w )
m ← m ⊕ g 2 ( w )
if ( b =0 and h ( m r )= w )
then output m
else output invalid
( m
invalid )
The PSS-R Recover algorithm is specified in Algorithm 15.6. Again, this
algorithm is similar to the PSS Recover algorithm. The major difference is that in
the PSS-R Recover algorithm the message m must be recovered from m . This can
be done by adding modulo 2 g 2 ( w ) to m . Also, the output of the algorithm depends
on a condition. If b =0and h ( m
r )= w , then the PSS-R Recover algorithm
outputs m . Otherwise, it outputs one bit saying that the signature s is invalid. In this
case, the message is not recovered by the algorithm.
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