Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information
Algorithm 15.1
The ElGamal Sign algorithm.
( p, g, x, m )
k ∈ R Z p
g k (mod p )
( k 1 ( h ( m )
xr )) (mod ( p
( r, s )
The ElGamal Sign algorithm is specified in Algorithm 15.1. It takes as input
a private ElGamal signing key x (together with the system parameters p and g )and
a message m , and it generates as output the digital signature for m . The digital
signature, in turn, consists of two numbers— r and s —that are both elements of
Z p .
The algorithm consists of three steps:
Z p such that gcd ( k, p
First, a number k must be randomly selected from
1) =
1. 3
This suggests that k has an inverse element k 1
Z p (i.e., kk 1
1)), and hence that k 1
1(mod p
1 can be determined using
the extended Euclid algorithm (i.e., Algorithm 3.2).
modulo p
g k (mod p ).
Second, k must be used to compute r
Third, the message m must be hashed with h , and the result h ( m ) must be
used to compute s
( k 1 ( h ( m )
xr )) (mod ( p
Note that the algorithm can be sped up considerably by using precomputation.
In fact, it is possible to select k
R Z p and precompute
g k (mod p )
k 1 (mod p
1) .
Both values do not depend on a particular message m . If one has precomputed
k , r ,and k 1 , then one can digitally sign a message m by hashing it and computing
1)). This can be done very efficiently.
In either case, the ElGamal digital signature for m consists of the pair ( r, s ).
Because m , r ,and s are all numbers smaller than p , an ElGamal digital signature
( k 1 ( h ( m )
xr )) (mod ( p
As already mentioned in Section and further explained in Section, a value k must
never be used more than once (otherwise, the system is insecure).
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