Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information
Encryption Algorithm
Similar to the RSA asymmetric encryption system, the Rabin system can be used
to encrypt and decrypt plaintext messages that represent numbers and elements of
Z n =
The Rabin Encrypt algorithm is deterministic. It takes as input a public key n
and a plaintext message m
0 ,...,n
Z n , and it generates as output the ciphertext
m 2 (mod n ) .
c =Square n ( m )
The ciphertext c is then transmitted to the recipient. Note that the Rabin
algorithm takes only one modular squaring, 11
and hence it is extremely
If, in our toy example, the plaintext message is m = 158, then the Rabin
Encrypt algorithm computes c = m 2 (mod n ) = 158 2 (mod 253) = 170,andthe
resulting ciphertext c = 170 is sent to the recipient.
Decryption Algorithm
The Rabin Decrypt algorithm is also deterministic. It takes as input a private key
( p, q ) and a ciphertext c , and it generates as output the square root of c representing
the plaintext message m . Note that the recipient can find a square root of c modulo
n only if he or she knows the prime factors p and q of n (this property is proven
later). Also note that there is no single square root of c modulo n , but that there are
four of them. Let m 1 , m 2 , m 3 ,and m 4 be the four square roots of c modulo n .The
recipient must then decide which m i (1
4) to go with (i.e., which square root
represents the correct plaintext message). This ambiguity is a major disadvantage
of the Rabin asymmetric encryption system (both from a practical and theoretical
Computing square roots modulo n is simple if n is a Blum integer (this is why
we have required that n is a Blum integer in the first place). In this case, one usually
first computes the square roots of c modulo p and q .Let m p be the square roots of
c modulo p and m q be the square roots of c modulo q . According to (3.6), m p and
m q can be computed as follows:
c p +1
m p
(mod p )
By comparison, the RSA Encrypt algorithm with e =3takes one modular multiplication and one
modular squaring, and for larger e many more modular operations (i.e., multiplication or squaring)
must be performed.
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