Cryptography Reference
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1(mod φ ( n ))
using, for example, the extended Euclid algorithm (i.e., Algorithm 3.2). 6
The output of the Generate algorithm is a public key pair that consists of
a public key ( n, e ) and a corresponding private key ( n, d ). 7 The public key is
mainly used for encryption, whereas the private key is mainly used for decryption.
Consequently, e is sometimes also referred to as public or encryption exponent ,
whereas d is referred to as private or decryption exponent .
Let us consider a toy example to illustrate what is going on in the RSA
Generate algorithm (and the other algorithms of the RSA asymmetric encryption
system). In the first step, the RSA Generate algorithm selects p =11and q =23,
and then computes n =11
22 = 220.Inthe
second step, the RSA Generate algorithm selects e =3and uses the extended
Euclid algorithm to compute d = 147 modulo 220 (note that 3
23 = 253 and φ (253) = 10
1 (mod 220), and hence d = 147 really represents the multiplicative inverse
element of e =3modulo 220). Then (253 , 3) represents the public key, and
(253 , 147) represents the private key.
147 = 441
Encryption Algorithm
In its basic form, the RSA Encrypt algorithm is deterministic. It takes as input a
public key ( n, e ) and a plaintext message m
Z n , and it generates as output the
m e (mod n ) .
c =RSA n,e ( m )
To compute c ,theRSA Encrypt algorithm must employ a modular exponen-
tiation algorithm, such as, for example, the square-and-multiply algorithm (i.e., Al-
gorithm 3.3). In either case, the computation can be done efficiently.
If we want to encrypt the plaintext message m =26in our toy example, then
we compute
m e (mod n )
26 3 (mod 253) = 119 .
Note that gcd ( e, φ ( n )) = 1 suggests that an integer d with de ≡ 1(mod φ ( n )) exists.
Note that the modulus n need not be a part of the private key. It is, however, often useful and
convenient to include it in the private key.
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