Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information
anonymously posted is commonly referred to as ARCFOUR . It is the term we use in
this topic.
ARCFOUR is a synchronous (additive) stream cipher—that is, a sequence
of pseudorandom bytes (i.e., a key stream) is generated independently from the
plaintext message or ciphertext, and this sequence is added modulo 2 to the plaintext
message byte sequence. The cipher takes a variable-length key that may range from
1 to 256 bytes (i.e., 2,048 bits). To generate the key stream, ARCFOUR employs
an array S of 256 bytes of State information (called S-box). The elements of S are
labeled S [0] ,...,S [255]. They are initialized as follows: three steps:
1. All elements of S are initialized with their index:
S [0]
S [1]
S [255]
2. Another array S 2 of 256 bytes is allocated and filled with the key, repeating
bytes as necessary.
3. The S-box is then initialized as suggested in Algorithm 10.5. Note that this
algorithm only operates on S (i.e., there is no other input or output parameter
than S ). Also note that S [ i ]
S [ j ] means that the S-box entries S [ i ] and S [ j ]
are swapped.
Algorithm 10.5
The S-Box initialization algorithm of ARCFOUR.
( S )
for i =0to 255 do
j ← ( j + S [ i ]+ S 2 [ i ]) mod 256
S [ i ] ↔ S [ j ]
( S )
After S is initialized (according to Algorithm 10.2), i and j are set to zero
(all entries of S 2 are also set to zero). Algorithm 10.6 is then used to generate a
potentially infinite sequence of key bytes. The algorithm takes S as input parameter
and outputs a key byte k . If a plaintext message (ciphertext) of l bytes must be
encrypted (decrypted), then the algorithm must be iterated l times, and each key byte
k i ( i =1 ,...,l ) must be added modulo 2 to the corresponding plaintext message
(ciphertext) byte.
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