Cryptography Reference
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These properties are just mentioned for completeness; they are not further used
in this topic.
Having the previously mentioned properties (i.e., preimage, second-preimage,
and collision resistance) in mind, one can define one-way hash functions (OWHFs),
collision resistant hash functions (CRHFs), and cryptographic hash functions as
suggested in Definitions 8.1 and 8.2.
Definition 8.1 (One-way hash function) An OWHF is a hash function h in
Σ out that is preimage resistant and second-preimage resistant.
Definition 8.2 (Collision resistant hash function) A CRHF is a hash function h :
Σ in
Σ out that is preimage resistant and collision resistant.
Note that a CRHF is always an OWHF (whereas the converse may not be
true). Also note that alternative terms sometimes used in the literature are weak one-
way hash functions for OWHFs and strong one-way hash functions for CRHFs. As
suggested in Definition 2.4, we use the term cryptographic hash function to refer to
either of them.
Most cryptographic hash functions in use today follow a construction that was
independently proposed by Ralph C. Merkle and Ivan B. Damgard in the late 1980s
[1, 2]. 3 According to their construction, an iterated hash function h is computed by
repeated application of a collision resistant compression function f m
Σ n
and m>n to successive blocks x 1 ,...,x n of a message x . 4
As illustrated in Figure 8.1, the compression function f takes two input
with m, n
1. A b -bit message block;
2. An l -bit chaining value (sometimes referred to as H i for i =0 ,...,n ).
In a typical setting, l is 128 or 160 bits and b is 512 bits. The output of the
compression function can be used as a new l -bit chaining value, which is input to
the next iteration of the compression function. Referring to the notation introduced
earlier, m = b + l and n = l .
Both papers were presented at CRYPTO '89.
Note that the input alphabet Σ in and the output alphabet Σ out are assumed to be the same (denoted
as Σ).
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