Cryptography Reference
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In the 1970s, John M. Pollard developed and proposed two special-purpose integer
factorization algorithms that are optimized to find small prime factors. The first
algorithm is known as P
Let n be the integer to be factorized and p be some (yet unknown) prime factor
of n ,forwhich p
1 is the product of possibly many
prime numbers that are smaller than or equal to B (see Definition 3.28). If k is the
product of all prime numbers that are smaller than or equal to B ,then k is a multiple
of p
1 is B -smooth—that is, p
1. Now consider what happens if we take a small integer (e.g. a =2)andset
it to the power of k . Fermat's Little Theorem (i.e., Theorem 3.7) tells us that
a k
1(mod p ) ,
and hence p divides a k
1. On the other hand, p must also divide n (remember that
p is supposed to be a prime factor of n ), and hence p divides the greatest common
divisor of a k
1 and n (i.e., p
gcd ( a k
1 ,n )). Note that k might be very large,
but a k
1 can always be reduced modulo n .
Note that one knows neither the prime factorization of p
1 nor the bound
before one starts the algorithm. So one has to begin with an initially chosen bound
B and perhaps increase it during the execution of the algorithm. Consequently, the
algorithm is practical only if B is not too large. For the typical size of prime numbers
in use today (e.g., for the RSA public key cryptosystem), the probability that one can
factorize n using Pollard's P
1 algorithm is pretty small. Nevertheless, the mere
existence of the algorithm is a reason that some cryptographic standards require
RSA moduli to have prime factors p for which p
1 has at least one large prime
factor. In the literature, such primes are frequently called strong .
In either case, the running time of Pollard's P
1 algorithm is O (
),where t
is the largest prime power dividing p
1. Pollard's P
1 algorithm was later modified
and a corresponding P+1 algorithm was proposed.
Pollard Rho
The second algorithm developed and proposed by Pollard in the 1970s is known
as Pollard Rho . The basic idea is to have the algorithm successively draw random
numbers less than n .If p is a (yet unknown) prime factor of n , then it follows from
the birthday paradox (see Section 8.1) that after about p 1 / 2
= p rounds one has
drawn x i and x j with x i
x j (mod p ). If this occurs, one knows that
p divides the greatest common divisor of x i
= x j and x i
x j and n (i.e., p
gcd ( x i
x j ,n )).
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