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to the Fermat and Solovay-Strassen tests, the Miller-Rabin test can prove the
compositeness of a large number n with certainty, but it can prove the primality
of n only with a certain probability.
The underlying idea of the Miller-Rabin test is that if n is a prime, then 1
should have only 2 square roots in
1. Alternatively speaking, if n is
nonprime, then there are at least 2 elements x of
Z n , namely
Z n with x 2
1(mod n ) but
1. That is, there will be more square roots of 1 than there should be. The
Miller-Rabin test itself is based on the properties of strong pseudoprimes. If we
want to test the primality of a large odd number n =2 r s +1, then we randomly
choose an integer a between 1 and n
a s
1(mod n )
a 2 j s
1(mod n )
for some 0
1,then n passes the test for this value of a (i.e., a is not
a witness for the compositeness of n ). Unfortunately, a number that passes the test
is not necessarily prime. In fact, it can be shown that a composite number passes
the test for at most 1 / 4 of the possible values for a . Consequently, if k tests are
performed on a composite number n , then the probability that it passes each test is
at most 1 / 4 k . This means that the error probability can be made arbitrarily small.
Note that the operation of the Miller-Rabin test is quite simple, though—
even simpler than that of the Solovay-Strassen test. Consequently, the Miller-Rabin
test is the primality (or compositeness) testing algorithm of choice for all practical
First of all, it can be shown that a prime p that divides the product ab of two natural
numbers a and b divides at least one of the two factors (i.e., a or b ). To prove this
fact, we assume that p divides ab but not a and show that p must then divide b .
Because p is a prime, we have gcd ( a, p )=1and hence there exist x, y
N with
gcd ( a, p )=1= ax + py [refer to (3.1)]. This equation can be multiplied with b to
get b = abx + pby . Obviously, p divides abx and pby (the right side of the equation),
so p must also divide b (the left side of the equation).
This result can be generalized to more than two factors. In fact, if p divides a
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